Upon discovery of the one, you happily make your purchase and make a habit of keeping the bag busy- taking it here, there and everywhere.
Slowly but surely, the bag begins showing its wear and before you know it, the purse starts the slow demotion process- no longer fit for galas, then holiday parties, then date night.. and before you know it, the purse sits collecting dust in your closet.
We here at She Chester would like to change that by introducing the Brighton collection. Their philosophy, also known as the "Brighton Difference," in which the designer hand sketches the purse and follows it through the entire process, from design to fruition.
Let me share the proverbial icing on the cake: each purse will be registered for Brighton, so that you can bring it back to Just the Thing every year or two, and we will send it to Brighton to be refurbished.
We're happy to share this great news with all, although we send our deepest sympathies to your closets, which will simply have to find something else to store!
See you soon,